Zagreb open Michaelu Rasztovitsu
U vrhunskoj konkurenciji pikado natjecatelja iz cijele regije pobjedu u finalu Darts point Zagreb Open pikado turnira odnio je Michael Rasztovits iz Austrije rezultatom 8:4 protiv Hrvata Alana Ljubića.
Michaelu je ovo drugi naslov pobjednika Darts point Zagreb Open turnira, prvi naslov osvojio je prije dvije godine, dok je Alanu ovo bilo drugo finale koje je izgubio, u njegovom prvom finalu prije 5 godina pobjeda mu je za malo izmakla u srazu sa tadašnjim šampionom Borisom Krčmarom.
Prosjek bacanja Michaela Rasztovitsa u finalnom susretu je bio 92,10 dok je Alan imao prosjek od 86 po bacanju.
U polufinalnom susretu Rusty Jake Rodriguez izgubio je od Alana Ljubića rezultatom 4:6, dok je u drugom polufinalu Alihajder Hadžipašić izgubio od Michaela Rasztovitsa rezultatom 3:6.
Rezultati četvrtfinala:
Rasztovits, Michael 5 - 3 Radunovic, Igor
Hadzipasic, Alihajder 5 - 1 Bezzeg, Nandor
Rodriguez, Rusty Jake 5 - 4 Strmecki, Dario
Ljubic, Alan 5 - 4 Cavric, Ivica
Rezultati Top 16:
Rasztovits, Michael 4 - 1 Stankovic, Miso
Radunovic, Igor 4 - 0 Ozbolt, Danijel
Hadzipasic, Alihajder 4 - 0 Ribicic, Ivan
Bezzeg, Nandor 4 - 2 Studen, Ivica
Rodriguez, Rusty Jake 4 - 0 Poljak, Ivan
Strmecki, Dario 4 - 2 Ferenc, Oliver
Ljubic, Alan 4 - 0 Marusic, Dino
Cavric, Ivica 4 - 0 Heric, Sven
Konačni poredak Top 16:
1. Rasztovits, Michael
2. Ljubic, Alan
3. Hadzipasic, Alihajder
3. Rodriguez, Rusty Jake
5. Radunovic, Igor
5. Strmecki, Dario
5. Cavric, Ivica
5. Bezzeg, Nandor
9. Stankovic, Miso
9. Ozbolt, Danijel
9. Ribicic, Ivan
9. Studen, Ivica
9. Poljak, Ivan
9. Ferenc, Oliver
9. Marusic, Dino
9. Heric, Sven
Rezultate i prosjeke svih susreta možete pogledati na sljedećem linku:
Nakon službenog turnira singlova odigran je i turnir u parovima, rezultatom 4:3 Vedad Mašić i Marko Moravec slavili su protiv Michael Rasztovitsa i Rusty Jake Rodrigueza.
Turnir je održan u organizaciji Darts pointa, Hrvatskog pikado saveza i Pikado saveza grada Zagreba. Natjecatelji su došli iz Hrvatske i cijele regije, Austrije, Mađarske, Slovenije, Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine. U fantastičnoj atmosferi brojni gledatelji uživali su u uistinu vrhunskim mečevima, odličnoj atmosferi i kvalitetnoj organizaciji.
Darts point Zagreb Open pikado turnir u klasičnom pikadu već je poznat po vrhunskoj organizaciji i uvođenja noviteta, pa smo tako ovoga puta za sudce turnira osigurali Dart Connect aplikaciju za vođenje turnira koju koriste za sada samo Svjetska (WDF) i Profesionalna (PDC) pikado federacija.
Zahvaljujemo ovim putem našim sponzorima: Bull's, Mission, Red Dragon, Target, Winmau, Badel, Dart Connect
Snimku sa turnira, uključujući polufinalne susrete uključujući i finale možete pogledati na Darts point You Tube kanalu putem sljedećeg linka:
Link na foto galeriju:
Zagreb open Michaelu Rasztovitsu
In the top competition of darts players from all over the region, the victory in the finals of the Darts point Zagreb Open darts tournament was won by Michael Rasztovits from Austria with a score of 8: 4 against the Croatian Alan Ljubić.
Michael is the second title winner of the Darts point Zagreb Open tournament, he won the first title two years ago, while Alan was the second finisher he lost, in his first final 5 years ago, his victory was a bit out of contention with then-champion Boris Krcmar.
Michael Rasztovits' throwing average in the final match was 92.10 while Alan had an average of 86 per throw.
In the semi-final match Rusty Jake Rodriguez lost from Alan Ljubić by a score of 4: 6, while in the second semi-final, Alihajder Hadzipasic lost from Michael Rasztovits by a score of 3: 6.
Quarterfinal results:
Rasztovits, Michael 5 - 3 Radunovic, Igor
Hadzipasic, Alihajder 5 - 1 Bezzeg, Nandor
Rodriguez, Rusty Jake 5 - 4 Strmecki, Dario
Ljubic, Alan 5 - 4 Cavric, Ivica
Results Top 16:
Rasztovits, Michael 4 - 1 Stankovic, Miso
Radunovic, Igor 4 - 0 Ribicic, Ivan
Bezzeg, Nandor 4 - 2 Studen, Ivica
Rodriguez, Rusty Jake 4 - 0 Poljak, Ivan
Strmecki, Dario 4 - 2 Ferenc, Oliver
Ljubic, Alan 4 - 0 Marusic, Dino
Cavric, Ivica 4 - 0 Heric, Sven
The final order:
1. Rasztovits, Michael
2. Ljubic, Alan
3. Hadzipasic, Alihajder
3. Rodriguez, Rusty Jake
5. Radunovic, Igor
5. Strmecki, Dario
5. Cavric, Ivica
5. Bezzeg, Nandor
9. Stankovic, Miso
9. Ozbolt, Danijel
9. Ribicic, Ivan
9. Studen, Ivica
9. Poljak, Ivan
9. Ferenc, Oliver
9. Marusic, Dino
9. Heric, Sven
You can see the results and averages of all the matches at the following link:
After the official singles tournament, the doubles tournament was played. With the score 4: 3 Vedad Masic and Marko Moravec celebrating against Michael Rasztovits and Rusty Jake Rodriguez.
The tournament was organized by Darts Point, the Croatian Darts Federation and the Zagreb Darts Federation. The players came from Croatia and the whole region, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a fantastic atmosphere, many spectators enjoyed truly superb matches, great atmosphere and quality organization.
The Darts point Zagreb Open Darts Tournament is already known for its superb organization and introduction of novelties, so this time we have provided the Dart Connect Tournament application for tournament markers.
Many thanks to our sponsors: Bull's, Mission, Red Dragon, Target, Winmau, Badel, Dart Connect
You can watch a snapshot of the tournament, including the semi-finals and the finals, on the Darts point You Tube channel at the following link:
Link to photo gallery: